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The Format Rotation Confrontation - New Weekly League

Register here!

Registration closes and the League starts on Sunday 8th October at 21.00 GMT.

It's time for another online league. In this one the format will rotate each week, to provide some variety for players and act as a "sampling platter" for players get to try some of the different formats. However, the formats are still easy to use. Both new and more experienced players are welcome!

Jeff 'Gearbox' Mitchell has discussed some of these formats here. This page will summarise each of the formats, step-by-step, to help people refer to over the league.

Week 1 - SFG 4:

This is the "standard" tournament format used by SFG and outlined in their document here. How to play:

  1. Players will pre-select any 4 warbands to act as their roster for the first round. Please record these 4 on Longshanks prior to registration closing. This roster is used for this round only - you are not obliged to use it for the latter 2 formats.

  2. Before the game starts, players will simultaneously "drop" one of their champions, using their remaining 3 for that game.

  3. At the start of the game, players will roll 5 dice, re-rolling any ties. Whoever rolls highest has to go first. They deploy first and go first in round 1.

Week 2 - Grumpy Draft:

Named after the Objective Hex blog's creator, Grumpysarn, who created it, this allows players to select draft from the entire pool of warbands in the game without having any mirror matches. It is demonstrated here. It can create variety and incentivise different strategies: players may draft their "comfort" warbands, to try to counter your opponent, to deny your opponent warbands, to create their own synergies or to match the scenario. Essentially each player picks one at a time, alternating from the entire pool of champions. This works as follows:

  1. Both players roll five dice, re-rolling any ties. The player with the higher result chooses to be PLAYER 1 or PLAYER 2.

  2. PLAYER 1 selects a warband. This warband is no longer available for PLAYER 2 to select. Then PLAYER 2 player chooses a warband which then becomes unavailable for PLAYER 1 to select. Repeat this until both players have five unique warbands.

  3. Step 3: PLAYER 1 bans a warband from their opponent’s group of five. Then, PLAYER 2 bans a warband from their opponent’s group of five.

  4. Step 4: Both players secretly choose the three champions they will use for this game, leaving one of the four available inactive. Once both players have chosen, both players SIMULTANEOUSLY REVEAL their final 3 warbands.

  5. Step 5: PLAYER 1 is the first player on turn 1 and must deploy first as usual. Play the game normally.

Week 3 - Limited Pool / Crow Draft

Developed by the player TheOldeCrow, in this format, the pool of warbands players can draft from is randomly selected at the beginning of the round, consisting of 12 total warbands, 3 of each class: 3 random Maelstroms, 3 random Shapers, 3 random Slayers, and 3 random Guardians. One of the most popular and fun formats, this creates variety in drafts and which champions are prioritised. How to play:

  1. The TO generates and shares the randomised pool.

  2. Players will roll 5 dice, re-rolling any ties. Whoever rolls highest is PLAYER 1.

  3. PLAYER 1 bans one of the warbands, removing them from the pool. PLAYER 2 then does the same.

  4. PLAYER 1 selects a warband. This warband is no longer available for PLAYER 2 to select. Then PLAYER 2 player chooses a warband which then becomes unavailable for PLAYER 1 to select. Repeat this until both players have three unique warbands.

  5. PLAYER 1 then deploys first and goes first in round 1.

Weeks 4+

If we're lucky enough to have enough players for the format to go 4+ weeks, then it will repeat in reverse: Crow Draft in a potential week 4, Grumpy Draft in a potential week 5, and your same SFG4 again in a potential week 6.

Event Details

The event will be run on Longshanks, as will registration. Here is the link. Registration closes and the League starts on Sunday 8th October at 21.00 GMT. Players will register on Longshanks.

  • Each round will last one week. If you and your opponent cannot fit your round in, contact me to let me know and we can potentially extend the round.

  • Games must be played via Tabletop Simulator. Here is a link to the recommended TTS mod.

  • Communications and announcements will be handled via the 'online godtear league' channel of main Godtear Discord; link to join the Godtear Discord

  • Players are free to communicate via whichever channel they prefer, but all players must be available via Discord at a minimum.

  • If you have registered; please contact the organizer and share your discord identifier so that other players can contact you during the event.

  • You can contact the the organizer, @davem7702, on Discord

  • Anyone is welcome!

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